About The Rau-D Ranch

The Rau-D Ranch is not just a physical location. It is us. Our family, our homestead. We own and manage our Rau-D-ness. It is our passion to produce the happiest, healthiest and most delicious farm products for our family and our extended family, you! Our community.

We are currently located just outside of Fort Lupton, Colorado. We raise a mean garden, pumpkin patch, chickens, bunnies, goats and cows. With the cows, specifically Holstein steer and Water Buffalo steer.

Life at The Rau-D Ranch…

  • The Cows

    Our cattle are lovingly bottle fed, scratched, hugged and cared for closely until they are weaned off of milk. Then they are turned out to pasture to graze on the grasses and the free choice alfalfa hay that we provide. As they become teenager cows and start to grow fast, we offer grain as a supplement to their grass and hay. Holsteins are tall! They require 12% more energy to grow than that of other beef breeds. Despite the grain, their meat remains lean.

    We love them all… we know their purpose, but enjoy raising them. Pictured above is (from front) Blizzard, Hank, Zeus, Gus, Brutus and Hightower.

    No feedlots, no force feeding, no steroids or growth hormones. We treat an occasional illness with medicine, but only within the time for the medications to be long our of their systems or we pull the cow from our beef program. We aim for holistic treatments as able.

  • The Goats

    We started raising Nigerian Dwarf Goats for fun! They are a blast! We quickly learned the benefits of goats milk for many purposes and began to consume and use if for our family.

    We have registered all of our animals with the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) and breed to sell good, quality goats. Breeding the goats is necessary to keep them in milk. Breeding intentionally for certain qualities and traits is challenging and fun. We own our own bucks and have love hate relationship with them. Ha! They are so lovable, but so very stinky!!!

    Goat Milk Soap! It is amazing! After washing, you don’t need nearly as much lotion… it’s hydrating and wonderful. With a few spices or essential oils it becomes a luxury item in our home.

    Cheese! Ice Cream! Fresh Milk… We currently are not selling these products to the public (due to regulations on our kitchen), but will in the future! So Delicious!

  • The Hen House...

    Our Free range chickens make the most beautiful and delicious eggs! They love their “chicken mansion”. We try to get the chickens to stay in a their fenced off area, but they insist on flying and exploring where they please, including knocking on the back house door for attention…

    We keep a variety of breeds because that is how we get the variation in egg color. Some, such as the Polish, are just fun to look at with their crazy head feathers! Most of them have names… but with nearly 40 chickens, we are having a hard time keeping track!

    We offer Free Range Chicken eggs at $5.00 per dozen, we sell out as fast as we can gather them!

    If your in the area, let us know if you’d like to try them. We do deliver.